Kamp Kindergarten Spring Math Task Cards FREEBIE Featured in the Teachers Pay Teachers Newsletter

Spring Numerals to 20 FREEBIE pink pouch Camper watermark copy

I am excited to share that Teachers Pay Teachers shared my Spring Numerals to 20 Clip Cards FREEBIE in this week’s newsletter!


Click HERE

This mental math resource has daffodil and domino graphics. Using dominoes is a fun way for little learners to practice subitizing.  Subitizing is a fundamental mathematical skill that builds a strong foundation for development of number sense. I have selected domino graphics with groupings of five to represent the quantities to help build an understanding of place value.

This resource is special to me because daffodils, or jonquils as they are called by many country people, remind me of my late grandmother.  She was well known in our little rural community for her love of jonquils.  Everyone knew who lived in the big old yellow house with yellow jonquils in the yard and a yellow Volkswagen Beetle ® in the garage.

Spring Numerals to 20 FREEBIE 4 cards vertical camper watermark copy

These clip cards address Counting and Cardinality Standards while offering bonus opportunities for fine motor development. I think this is important in light of the recent findings that many young children enter school with deficits in fine motor development due to excessive screen time on electronic devices.

The answer selections may also be marked with seasonal erasers, pennies, buttons, dry beans, pom-poms, or other household items.

Spring Numerals to 20 FREEBIE 16 Photo Album camper watermark copy

The cards may be placed in a dollar store photo album and used with dry erase markers to create a write and wipe activity. Use an inexpensive black glove or old sock as an eraser.  Old socks work well, but I prefer using a glove.  Kids love using a glove, too.  I like that putting the glove on gives little learners an additional opportunity for motor development.  In many areas of the country children have little experience with gloves.  Using the gloves allows little learners in warmer climates an opportunity to learn to put on gloves.


Here is the link to the Teachers Pay Teachers Newsletter:
Teachers Pay Teachers Newsletter Volume 511:Grades PreK-5

Here is the link to Spring Numerals to 20 FREEBIE:

Spring Numerals to 20 Clip Card FREEBIE


I hope you and your learners enjoy these activities.

Happy Spring!

Kamp Kindergarten




  1. Kenisha Degraffenreid

    Thank you for sharing your ideas!

    • Kamp Kindergarten

      You are most welcome. I hope this is helpful to you.

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