Author: Kamp Kindergarten (Page 3 of 3)

Easter FREEBIE: Easter Egg Fun Subtract the Room

Easter freebie complete with camper pic copy

Are your little learners ready for spring break?  Are they having difficulty staying focused?  A Roam the Room activity may be just what they need to expend some of that extra energy while still addressing academic skills.

I have a FREE Round the Room math activity to share.  Easter Egg Fun Subtract the Room will get your little ones up and engaged in mastering subtraction facts to 10.

Easter subtract the room freebie record page and easter pencil with camper copy

Just print the cards and copy the recording pages.  Learners carry a clipboard with the record sheet and a pencil as they search the classroom for the task cards.  They record their responses in the correct spaces on the page.

Easter subtract the room freebie with camper copy

I hope that you and your learners enjoy this activity.

Happy Easter!

Kamp Kindergarten

Winter FREEBIE: Penguin Dot Paint Ten Frames

2016-01-03_16-04-47_88 winter peach freebie with camper copyPenguin Dot Paint Ten Frames FREEBIE

Here is a fun FREE math activity to keep your little learners engaged on a long winter day.  To get the most out of instructional time and learning resources, I love to address more than one area with a single activity.  This resource addresses counting skills and enhances fine motor development.

Just download this no-prep printable from the link above.  Put some paint in a small plate and add a cotton swab.  This fun math activity is now ready to use!

2016-01-03_16-03-38_81 with camper watermark copy

I hope you and your learners enjoy this resource!

Stay warm and safe!

Kamp Kindergarten

Martin Luther King: A Book to Help Explain Social Injustices of the Past to Little Learners

A Lesson for Martin Luther King

Looking for a book to share with your class about Martin Luther King?  Explaining the social injustices of the past in a developmentally appropriate manner can be difficult.  This book describes a childhood incident in Martin Luther King’s life that will help little learners begin to develop an insight of the inequalities that were accepted by many at the time.  Children will immediately recognize how unfair it is that young Martin’s friend Bobby is forbidden to play with Martin and that they must attend different schools.

The book is one of a series of books about the Childhood of Famous Americans.  The story is beautifully illustrated.  The Book is a Level 2 book of the Ready To Read books.



(The affiliate link above is provided for your convenience.)

Pumpkin Seed Add the Room

Pumpkin seed 2 problems with camper pic copy

Pumpkin Seed Add the Room FREEBIE

I have a FREE Add the Room resource to share with you.

I love “Roam the Room” type activities for little learners.  This one was especially fun for me to create since I love fall and pumpkins.  I like that learners count the seeds on the pumpkins to determine the addition equation.

I hope you and your learners enjoy this activity.

Kamp Kindergarten


Please click the link below to download this resource.

Pumpkin Seed Add the Room FREEBIE


Cinnamon Roll Turkeys

turkey cinnamon rolls

Photo via ©Pillsbury

Here is a cute Thanksgiving food idea from Pillsbury.  These cinnamon roll turkeys will be great for your family’s Thanksgiving breakfast or for a fun Thanksgiving food project for your little learners.

Please click on the link below for complete directions from Pillsbury.

Cinnamon Roll Turkeys

Enjoy gobbling these yummy gobblers!

Kamp Kindergarten

Welcome to Kamp Kindergarten

Thanks for stopping by for a visit. Pull a chair up to campfire and help yourself to some marshmallows and a roasting stick. I will tell you a little bit about myself while you are enjoying the marshmallows.

My name is Tami Steele. I have 35 years experience working with young children in Georgia. I have taught kindergarten and first grade. Most of my experience has been in kindergarten.  I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education from LaGrange College, a Master of Science degree in Early Childhood Education and a Specialist in Education degree in Early Childhood Education.  The Masters and Specialist degrees are from West Georgia College, now West Georgia State University.

I am a staunch advocate of developmentally appropriate instructional practices for young children. I believe young children learn best by taking an active role in their learning through exploration and play.

I plan to use this blog to share my experiences with you and learn from your experiences you share with me.  I will be sharing posts of interest to teachers, parents, and homeschooling families.  I hope my posts will offer helpful hints and fun activities for little learners. I love books and plan to share posts about books. I will occasionally share posts about travel and recipes.  I look forward to getting to know you.

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